CALL GEO: 508-384-4434
Geoprobe® Exploration and Remediation Work

With various sized, limited access to full sized rubber track mounted probes, GeoLogic employs Geoprobe® equipment for vibratory probe work as stand alone projects, or to complement our traditional drilling programs.
The probes allow us to use Geoprobe’s time tested tooling for environmental sampling, profiling and remediation.
In addition to traditional Macro core systems, we provide soil gas sampling, soil vapor implants, and SP-16 and SP-22 isolated zone groundwater sampling. Geologic has had years of experience with remedial chemical injection using both ORC and HRC compounds. Our compliment of auxiliary equipment includes pumps and grouters as well as some helpful do's and don’ts based on experience handling the more aggressive compounds.
Our Geoprobe machines allow installation of many well sizes from microwells to full sized 2 inch ID wells for development and sampling with traditional larger diameter equipment.
None of this means very much, however, unless it is backed up by Geo’s experienced and helpful field team, and the resources they bring to bear on your project each day. That adds up to be the GeoLogic Geoprobe difference.
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“The Field Team was impressed with your crew. They clearly knew what they were doing, they were quick and helpful to our Geologists.”
- JR, Westford, MA